Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grandma Passed Away...

Dear Friends and Family,

Please pray for the soul of the departed Gertrude Buckley (my mom’s mom) in your personal prayers. After a long battle with Alzheimers she passed away peacefully just a little while ago in her nursing home. My family says it was a peaceful passing and they will be flying to Chicago for the funeral on Sunday.

with love,

Monday, February 15, 2010


"The entire struggle in prayer has as its aim the discovery and conquest of the heart.”

~Fr. Zacharias of Essex

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blessed Lent!

Dear Friends and Family,

As this Lent begins I find myself in bed and a bit under the weather. But not to worry! A lot of tea, fluids, and lozenges...and some much needed rest. Being sick (when it’s not too serious of course...but even then I suppose) can really be a blessing. One moment your running around, feeling like you just can’t stop running, and the next, you’re on your back reading great books, sipping tea and accepting visits from good friends who sit and chat for a bit. It’s a good life!

Classes are starting up slowly but surely. Sorry for not updating lately. Hopefully lent will renew my energy for this important effort! Daily life in Greece for me is divided up a bit differently than it was in the states. Instead of 3 or 4 major events per day, everything is divided into small “mini-events.” In other words, you bump into a friend in the street and chat for 15 minutes, then you go and eat at the student cafe and chat with people, then you go and study for a bit, then class, then vespers etc. Writing it all out, it sounds almost the same as what life would be like in the states but truly it feels like the smaller “events’ (i.e. chance encounters with friends etc.) take on a greater significance.

Ok! Forgive me a sinner (in the spirit of the coming Forgiveness Sunday)

with love in Christ,